Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy addresses how Sato Keiryoki Mfg. Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “we”) handles your personal information in respect to our service.
1. Basic Principles
We use and collect personal information of those who use our website to accomplish our services, such as providing our information and response to inquiries.
We handle your information we collect for our purposes appropriately in the ways described below:
  • (a) Legal Compliance

    We comply with legal, regulatory, and other ethical requirements related to personal information.

  • (b) Protection

    We take measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, leakage, defacing, or loss, and improve such measures as needed.

  • (c) Security

    For security of your personal information, we use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, which encrypts any information you enter before it is sent to us to prevent from skimming or defacing by third parties, as long as you use a browser with security function.

2. Means of Collection and Use of Personal Information
We disclose our purposes of use of personal information before collecting it.
We use and collect your personal information via proper means within the scope necessary to achieve our purposes.
We shall not use your information for other purposes than our purposes prescribed without your consent, except in cases based on laws and regulations related to personal information.
3. Purposes of Use of Personal Information
Our purposes of use of your personal information are as follows:
  • (a) delivery of our products, including assembly and attachments, and our information materials;

  • (b) response to inquiries and requests related to our products;

  • (c) providing information of our products and services, our corporate news, and our events such as exhibitions;

  • (d) market research and its analysis of our products and services;

  • (e) development of our products and services;

  • (f) notification of a change in this Privacy Policy.

4. Sharing Personal Information with Third Parties
We shall not share your personal information with third parties without your consent except in the following instances:
  • (a) based on laws or regulations other than Japan’s Personal Information Protection Act;

  • (b) in which there is a need to protect human life, body, or property, and when it is difficult to obtain your consent;

  • (c) in which there is a special need to enhance public hygiene or promote fostering healthy children, and when it is difficult to obtain your consent;

  • (d) in which there is a need to cooperate in regard to government organizations or a person entrusted by them performing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and when there is a possibility that obtaining your consent may interfere with the performance of the said affairs.

5. Outsourcing of Handling Personal Information
We may share your personal information with third parties within the scope necessary to accomplish our purposes, such as delivery of our products and research related to our products.
In such case, we take appropriate measures to choose proper parties and sign a contract with them in order to prevent from unauthorized handling or leakage of the information by them.
6. Disclosure, Update, Removal, and Suspension of Use of Personal Information
If you wish to access, update, remove, or stop the use of your information, we will allow you to do so with least delay, after the confirmation that the information certainly belongs to you so as to prevent from leakage or defacing by third parties.
7. Contact
If you have questions about your personal information or this Privacy Policy, email us at
Please note that this email box is not monitored on weekends, Japan’s national holidays, summer holidays, and the new year holidays.
8. Changes in Privacy Policy
We may make changes to this Privacy Policy as needed. We will do so by posting modifications to our website.

Enacted on July 6, 2007

Last revised on May 1, 2021